

July 2, 2016

Guarding Your Home Against Germs: Essential Tips

Deep cleaning is very likely one of the most dreaded household chores, but getting rid of germs and bacteria makes scrubbing and sanitizing unavoidable. Time Magazine published an article discussing a study that researched seven families and their homes over the course of six weeks. The study showed that our bodies release natural bacteria onto nearly every single surface we contact. Not surprisingly, individuals spread the most bacteria between family members because of frequent physical contact. (This is why contagious illnesses tend to spread through the family quickly).

Keeping your home free from germs and bacteria is crucial for maintaining a healthy living environment. In this article, we will explore the key areas in your home where germs tend to gather and provide you with effective tips to safeguard your home against these microscopic invaders. By following these recommendations, you can minimize the risk of illnesses and promote the well-being of your family.

  1. Identifying the Germ Hotspots:

To effectively combat germs, it’s important to know where they thrive the most. Pay special attention to the following areas in your home:

1.1 Kitchen:

Start by regularly washing sponges and dishtowels, as they accumulate bacteria due to frequent use and moisture retention. Additionally, don’t forget to clean sink faucets and the refrigerator handle, which often goes unnoticed.

1.2 Every Room:

Knobs, switches, and door handles are frequently touched, making them prime spots for bacteria buildup. Regularly disinfect these surfaces to keep germs at bay.

1.3 Makeup Bag:

Surprisingly, your makeup tools can harbor significant amounts of bacteria. Since they come into contact with your face daily, it’s crucial to clean them regularly to avoid the spread of germs.

1.4 Laundry:

Avoid leaving wet laundry in the washer for more than 30 minutes, as germs can quickly multiply in damp environments. Ensure you promptly transfer the washed clothes to the dryer or run another cycle to prevent bacterial buildup.

1.5 Office:

Your computer, desktop, phones, and remote controls are breeding grounds for germs. Considering how frequently these items are touched, it’s essential to sanitize them regularly. Fun fact: Your desk may have up to 400 times more bacteria than a toilet!

1.6 Bathroom: Contrary to popular belief, the toilet isn’t the primary haven for bacteria in the bathroom. Instead, focus on cleaning areas within a three-foot radius of the toilet, as flushing can spread germs and bacteria. Don’t overlook the sink handles, toothbrush holders, and whirlpool tubs, which are notorious for harboring bacteria and fungus.

  1. Effective Methods to Eradicate Germs:

Knowing how to effectively kill germs and bacteria is key to maintaining a healthy home. Here are some practical tips:

2.1 Soap and Water:

In most cases, simple soap and water are sufficient to eliminate the majority of bacteria. Regularly washing surfaces with soap and water, especially high-touch areas, can significantly reduce the presence of germs.

2.2 Antibacterial Wipes:

When you need a quick and convenient solution, antibacterial wipes are effective for killing germs. However, it’s important to use a fresh wipe for each surface to avoid cross-contamination.

2.3 Eco-Friendly Cleaners:

Store-brand cleaning products aren’t always necessary. Eco-friendly cleaners, like the ones provided by Sparkling Clean agency, are equally effective in eliminating bacteria and germs without the excessive use of additives. Opting for eco-friendly options helps promote a healthier environment.

2.4 Pet Companionship:

Surprisingly, having a pet can benefit your health in the long run. While pets may bring in dirt and bacteria from outdoors, this exposure can strengthen your body’s immune system over time.

  1. Tips and Tricks for a Germ-Free Home:

In addition to regular cleaning and disinfection, implementing these practices will further enhance the cleanliness of your home:

3.1 Frequent Handwashing:

Encourage everyone in your household to practice regular handwashing using soap and water. Aim for at least 20 seconds of thorough handwashing, or try singing “Happy Birthday” twice to ensure optimal germ removal.

3.2 Individual Hand Towels:

Provide individual hand towels for each person in your home, including guests, and make sure to wash them every two or three days. Alternatively, disposable paper towels can be used to dry hands.

3.3 Surface Wiping:

Regularly wipe down surfaces, paying particular attention to high-traffic areas such as the kitchen table, countertops, and stovetop. Daily cleaning of these spots helps prevent the accumulation of germs.

3.4 Swap Sponges for Rags:

Instead of using sponges that can trap bacteria, opt for cleaning with reusable rags. Remember to wash your dishrag at least once a week to prevent bacterial growth.

3.5 Maintain Distance from the Toilet:

Store toothbrushes as far away from the toilet as possible to minimize exposure to bacteria. This simple step can reduce the risk of contamination.

3.6 Regularly Wash Bed Sheets:

To maintain a germ-free sleeping environment, wash your sheets in hot water at least once a week. This helps eliminate any bacteria or allergens that may have accumulated over time.

3.7 Air Out Your Home:

Open your windows for a few minutes every day to allow fresh air to circulate. This helps remove stagnant air and reduces the concentration of airborne germs.

3.8 Opt for Plastic Cutting Boards:

Replace wood cutting boards with plastic ones, as wood can harbor bacteria. Plastic cutting boards are easier to clean and sanitize without dulling your knives.


Maintaining a germ-free home is essential for safeguarding your family’s health. By implementing these practical tips, you can effectively combat germs and bacteria, reducing the risk of illnesses. Remember, regular cleaning, proper hygiene practices, and the use of eco-friendly cleaning solutions can go a long way in promoting a healthy living environment. Take the necessary steps today to protect your loved ones from harmful germs and enjoy a cleaner, safer home.

Share your thoughts on how you keep your home germ-free in the comments below. Together, let’s create a healthier and cleaner environment for everyone!


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Why is it important to guard our homes against germs?

A: Guarding our homes against germs is crucial for maintaining a healthy living environment. Germs and bacteria can cause illnesses and infections, and by implementing proper cleaning and hygiene practices, we can reduce the risk of falling ill and promote the well-being of our families.

Q: Which areas in our homes are most susceptible to germ accumulation?

A: Some common areas where germs tend to gather include the kitchen (sponges, faucets, refrigerator handle), every room (knobs, switches, door handles), makeup bags, laundry (when wet clothes are left unattended), offices (computer, phones, remote controls), and bathrooms (within a three-foot radius of the toilet, sink handles, toothbrush holders).

Q: What are some effective methods for killing germs and bacteria?

A: Simple soap and water can effectively eliminate most bacteria. Additionally, antibacterial wipes are convenient for quick cleaning. Eco-friendly cleaners are equally effective and promote a healthier environment by avoiding excessive additives.

Q: Are pets beneficial for maintaining a germ-free home?

A: While pets can introduce dirt and bacteria from outdoors, this exposure can actually strengthen our immune systems over time. However, it’s still important to practice regular cleaning and hygiene habits to maintain a clean living environment.

Q: How can I ensure proper hand hygiene in my home?

A: Encourage frequent handwashing for everyone in your household using soap and water. Wash hands for at least 20 seconds, or the equivalent of singing “Happy Birthday” twice. Provide individual hand towels for each person or use disposable paper towels.

Q: Are there any specific areas I should focus on when wiping surfaces?

A: It’s important to regularly wipe down high-traffic areas such as the kitchen table, countertops, and stovetop. These spots accumulate the most germs and bacteria and should be cleaned daily.

Q: What can I use instead of sponges for cleaning?

A: Replace sponges with reusable rags, as they are easier to clean and don’t trap bacteria. Remember to wash your dishrag at least once a week to prevent bacterial growth.

Q: How often should I wash my bed sheets?

A: It is recommended to wash bed sheets in hot water at least once a week. This helps eliminate bacteria and allergens that may have accumulated over time, ensuring a cleaner and healthier sleeping environment.

Q: Why is it beneficial to open windows for a few minutes each day?

A: Opening windows allow fresh air to circulate, reducing the concentration of airborne germs and promoting better indoor air quality.

Q: Why should I opt for plastic cutting boards?

A: Plastic cutting boards are easier to clean and sanitize compared to wood cutting boards. Wood can harbor bacteria, and plastic boards help prevent cross-contamination while maintaining the sharpness of your knives.

Remember, consistently implementing these practices will help create a germ-free environment in your home and contribute to the well-being of your family.